Wednesday, June 25, 2008

TMI Tuesday .. a day late.

1. Do you believe anyone truly likes their job? If so, why?
I think so, if it's exactly what you WANT to be doing, I think people who are in a profession they love absolutely like their jobs.

2. Do you 1) live to work or 2) work to live 3) not see a difference?
I think the two are pretty close, actually.

3. How many hours do you work a week?
Oh ... from Oct-May 50-60. From June-Oct. 40.

4. What was your safety item (i.e. blankie) from when you were little?
Kermie! That I stole from Kindergarten.

5. Have you ever used food during sex?
Besides popsicles?

Bonus (as in optional):What is your guilty food pleasure?
Hmmm....BK French Fries.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Suuuurvey Time!

Bored @ work! :-(
What happened at 10:00 am today?
Trying to fix the ticket printer @ work.

When was the last time you saw number 1 on your top friends?
Um, 3 / 4 hours ago.

Will you ever kiss the last person you kissed again?
Probably--will you?

What were you doing at 9:30PM last Friday night?
Here's what's crazy, I was doing the same thing that the person before me was doing, seeing "THE HAPPENING"

What did you do today?
In the midst of a boring workday.

Do you have a job?

What are your plans tomorrow?
Working, then hopefully something fun for my birthday.

Who took your profile picture?
On Myspace: Christina.
Here: The photographer from when I was in BEACHES. God, that was a great time!

Is there anyone else in it with you?

What is your current problem?
Not wanting to be @ work.

Slept in someone else's bed this week?
No sir.

Last time you spoke to someone you like?
I like alot of people.

Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?
Who hasn't?

Who was the last person you saw?
Umz, I see Karen @ work right now.

Why did your parents give you the name you have?
Why not!?

Who was the last person you yelled at?
Probably this morning driving into work.

What is something you say when you are mad?
Depends on the situation. Usually, "Really?"--it can pack a punch if you say it properly!

Is there anyone you wish was still in your life?
Lots of people.

What were you doing this morning at 8 am?
Waking up from an incredibly cool dream that involved the beach, Paris Hilton (don't ask), and Justin Timberlake.

What were you doing 15 minutes ago?Starting this survey.

What are you wearing?
Jeans & my favorite yellow shirt.

Are you mad at anyone right now?
I don't think so.

Last person to say they loved you?

Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile?
I forget what song it is, but I'm sure that I do.

Last thing received in the mail?

Do you like to party?

How long is your hair?
Long for me, but still pretty short.

How many different drinks have you had today?
Ginger ale, Pomengranate-Green Iced Tea, Water

Are you any good at math?
I'm alright at pretty basic math.

Do you have plans on Saturday night?
Not yet.

Anyone? Anyone?

Do you like the lights off or on?
I really do like them on, or alot of windows with alot of lights.

What are you excited for?
NEXT weekend (since I have to work a little bit this weekend)/

What did you do last night?

Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?
They ain't.

Where do you keep your change?

How has your week been?
Pretty good, I think.

What was the weather like on your birthday?
Um, it was pretty nice ... HOT I think.

Can you tell the future?
I have a strange feeling that I can.

Would you kiss anyone on your friends list?
For sure.

Are you a cat or dog person?
Not really, no.

Is there anything bothering you right now?

Is there something you want to let go of?
This job

How important is trust?
Completely important.

Do you have regrets?
Not really, no.

What will you do if you're stuck in the elevator with someone you don't like?
Read a book--even if I didn't have one.

Have you ever said I love you but you lied?

Would you ever want to go back in the past
If I could change things, perhaps. But, not just to watch.

Do you really want to please everybody?
I try to.

Is waiting ever okay?

Right now, where do you want be?
Wouldn't be awful to be back in Europe.

What are you so sick and tired of?
Nothing really.

What or who made you smile today?
People @ work are pretty hilarious.

Is looking good important?

Do you listen to love songs when you’re down?
All the time

What are you thankful for?

Do you believe in forever?

Do you say sorry first?
If I muffed things up, I do.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

T.M.I. Tuesday!

Courtesy Of:

1. What's your favorite color of lingerie?
Umz, Red?
2. Do you have a porn collection?
I know you won't believe it, but no.

3. Do you have any fetishes?
Not really, I don't think.

4. What is your favorite place to have sex?
A Bed?

5. Do you like to scratch, bite, pull hair, etc?
Yes, but it's completely independent of sex! Right? :-)

Do you like having it done to you?
Um, NO.

Bonus (as in optional): Do you think the number of sexual partners you've had is below average, average, or above average, and how does that make you feel?
Average, I guess. And I feel fine.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Thought For The Day...

I hate Crystal.
Not Crystal Gayle though. Crystal @ work.
Like, for realz realz.