Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My new best friend...

Maybe you saw him on American Idol last week also, but he sure is someone who I *REALLY* wish could be my very best friend forevers and evers--seriously, how much fun do you think he would be to hang out with?! 'Cause I'd LOVE to knock back a few cocktails with Ian Benardo.

PS--we're Myspace friends.

Time to go work.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Work Drama

So, there are big issues with the big expensive machine at our work. AND to top it off, they are blaming me for signing off on the last repair. Please notice the picture in this post, and how at the red arrow where I *SHOULD* have signed is noticeably EMPTY. The signature above mine is the repairman's. So, I'm right, big surprise ... don't be shocked, possums.

PLEASE stop yelling at me, co-worker.

Monday, January 22, 2007

No Hot Water

While freeeeeezing in my bed this morning, my thought was ... well, at least there will be a nice hot shower for me to take!

i was so ready for this:

Instead though what I was faced with was:

Life is tough, isn't it?

I shall deduct fifty cents from my rent check as a result of this.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Champagne Colored Corollas

Have got to be the worst cars in the world to drive behind. Especially in the snow.

Monday, January 08, 2007

"Hi this is Gregory, I'm transferring you to Dr. Petitto's office right now, please hold..."

I figured out how to transfer a phone call from my office phone, which looks just like this one, to my boss' phone down stairs! Pretty awesome, right?

I have a funny post about Friday night, which I'll write later.

Bye for now.

Friday, January 05, 2007


I dunno what you're doing ... but SLEEPING is pretty high up on my list.

So Happy Friday, America! :oP

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

!Happy Poo Year!

I don't know what you were doing at the beginning of this year .... but ... here's what I was up to:

Adorable, no? (that's me, in the middle)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Lebanon Facts #2

They are called Bob and Kathy.

Bob lives in Boston, MA. Kathy lives in Burlington, VT.

One weekend, Bob meets Kathy in Burlington.

Another weekend, Kathy meets Bob in Boston.

The 'inbetween weekends,' they meet in Lebanon and always go to the Barrel. This weekend (New Year's), they ended up at the Barrel. They are probably about 50/60ish years old and they are probably one of the most adorable couples I've ever seen. She's crazy, he reminds me of the anchorman (will ferrell), and he almost never talks, until I shake his hand to say 'HAPPY NEW YEAR.'

They had to leave the Barrel at around 10:30, because they said they had been drinking since 11:30 in the morning.

I can't wait to see them again ... and neither can anyone else.

More New Year's pictures and stories are on the way, but I love this story!

Happy NEW YEAR! :-)