Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Happy PI Day

Well, the PI symbol won't upload.

But happy 3.14 --- get it? :-)

Pi, ha! I'm funny.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Just wanted to post...

Dunno if I have anything too exciting to say, except that it's time to find a new job, apparently. lol I hate job hunting YEARLY. lol Next job I find i'm staying at for TWO YEARS! HOLLER!

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Friday, March 09, 2007

this morning in the bagel shop...

The 2 kids who were running the bagel shop were gossiping and gabbing, and the old lady next to me in line, who looked a bit like this:

Said "Oh the trials and tribulations of being a teenager."

I said, "haha, oh I know!"

She sad, "Was I ever really like that????"

I said, "Oh no doubt, I know I probably still am a bit like that."

She gave me an odd look and said, "Medium decaf please, dear." to the girl behind the counter.

Strange world...

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This entire minute of the family guy...

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Take them granny panties off put a thong on




Eggs Benedict on my mind ever since I met a lady named 'Benedict' last night, she was wicked nice, and I loved talking to her even though I'm making fun of her name. I want some eggs benny reeeeeeeal bad.

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Monday, March 05, 2007

24 is on tonight.

And in honor of that, I've found out how to change the ringer on the work phones so that it rings like the phones at the CTU do! WoopDeeWoop--I'm going to try to remember it's the phone ringing now. Hmm...

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