They are called Bob and Kathy.
Bob lives in Boston, MA. Kathy lives in Burlington, VT.
One weekend, Bob meets Kathy in Burlington.
Another weekend, Kathy meets Bob in Boston.
The 'inbetween weekends,' they meet in Lebanon and always go to the Barrel. This weekend (New Year's), they ended up at the Barrel. They are probably about 50/60ish years old and they are probably one of the most adorable couples I've ever seen. She's crazy, he reminds me of the anchorman (will ferrell), and he almost never talks, until I shake his hand to say 'HAPPY NEW YEAR.'
They had to leave the Barrel at around 10:30, because they said they had been drinking since 11:30 in the morning.
I can't wait to see them again ... and neither can anyone else.
More New Year's pictures and stories are on the way, but I love this story!
Happy NEW YEAR! :-)